Our Expertise

Aviation Product Development and Certification

With our experience of 25 years we help you with the development and certification of highly integrated, complex and safety critical systems.

Aviation Product Development and Certification

How we can help

Our key competences are on the areas of the development and certification of highly integrated, complex and safety critical aircraft systems according to ARP4754A, ARP4761, DO-178C (plus supplements), DO-254 and DO-297.

We can offer our help by:

  • effectively distributing tasks and responsibilities in your organisation
  • setting up of effective validation programms and plans to ensure an effective requirements gathering and management ensuring the requirements are correct and complete
  • development of optimum design solutions meeting previously validated customer certification and project requirements
  • setting up of effective implementation processes and procedures
  • setting up of effective verification programmes and plans ensuring full verification
  • setting up of effective safety assessment strategies (FHA; PSSA; SSA; CCA)
  • setting up of effective interconnections and transitions between the development and
    safety assessment processes
  • setting up of effective configuration and change management processes
  • setting up of effective process assurence activities
  • setting up development tool qualification strategies and procedures
  • setting up processes for determination of EASA Level of Involvement

The design of a complex and safety critical product is a demanding task. Meeting customer expectations and establishing compliance with regulatory requirements makes the development of a product even more challenging. We can assist you to balance these tasks to stay inside the safety space, and to present your product to the aviation authorities (EASA, FAA, CAAC, FATA, ANAC) to ensure they will get certified in a timely and cost efficient manner.

During development and certification phase emphasis should be placed that these tasks are scheduled in logical and sequential orders to achieve aviation authority and customer acceptance of your products.

Design Organisation Approval

Design Organisation Approval is an essential pillar of EU aviation safety strategy. We can
help to setup an effective Design Assurance System and respective processes and procedures which are compliant with Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 Annex I – Part 21 and setting up a company structure which enables your organisation to achieve your project targets and
meeting customer requirements and expectations.

Two main aspects should therefore be considered:

  • how the planned and systematic actions are defined and implemented, from the very beginning of design activities up to continued airworthiness activities
  • how these actions are regularly evaluated and corrective actions implemented as necessary.

Certification Program

The Certification Programme is one of the most important parts convincing the avaition authorities about the capabilities of your organisation to develop your product in a planned and systematic order and how to conduct the compliance demonstration and to schedule the certification activities. This will ensure that you will achieve certification right in time and budget limits. We can offer our help by:

  • negotiating Certification Bases and Acceptable Means of Compliances
  • setting up of Certification Strategies
  • generation of Certification Documents (Compliance Reports, Manuals)
  • preparing Certification Audits and Authority Witnessing activities
  • Scheduling of Certification Events (Meetings, Reviews, Investigations)
  • conducting investigations in the course of the agreed EASA Level of Involvement

Bringing a product to market successfully requires effective processes and the right tools. Furthermore, it requires the right people to breathe life into processes, and handle tools efficiently. We can help you achieve balance between the three.

Why Work With Us?

We are ready to act on your demand as „The Independents“ on your systems and projects.

Meet Regulatory Standards

Achieve and maintain EASA Design Organisation Approval according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/897 Annex I – Part 21

Get certified more efficiently

Assemble the type investigation and certification programs, generating certification strategies, plans and procedures to achieve type certification or type validation in an efficient and timely manner.

Balance and meet expectations

Setup your design, verification and safety processes in a way that will meet customer and aviation authorities expectations.

Get prepared for audits and reviews

Conduct internal and SOI reviews, certification audits in preparation of upcoming authority audits.